Fighting Faer

by Christine Warren

Ellora's Cave

Sensual: Paranormal

August 20, 2003

ISBN-13: 1843605988

Available in: e-Book

Fighting Faer
by Christine Warren

After watching her two best friends marry a blood-sucking vampire and a furry-faced werewolf, Corinne vows there will be no inter-species dating in her future. While investigating wild reports of leprechaun sightings in Manhattan, she meets a man who makes keeping that vow a tricky proposition. After all, when she'd sworn not to get horizontal with anyone non-human, she hadn't known Faerie existed. She'd certainly never been seduced by a sexy supernatural hunk like Luc. And she had no idea when it came to matters of the heart, Luc didn't believe in fighting fair...

Sexual Content: NC-17. Genre: Fantasy.

Christine Warren's Bio

Since her early days of hiding the luridly covered paperbacks under her pillows so her parents wouldn't catch her reading past her bedtime, Christine Warren has suffered an addiction to romance novels. Discovering Ellora's Cave turned her into a positive junkie by introducing her to the world of Romantica, but it also proved to be an inspiration for the long-time writer. After penning everything from poems to short stories to screenplays, she discovered her real calling in erotic romance and happily penned her first e-book about a sexy Russian vampire and a woman with too many friends.

Christine spends most of her time thinking about sex — which is really no different from what she's always done — but now she puts those thoughts into her computer screen and hopes her audience enjoys reading them as much as she enjoys writing them! She loves to hear from readers, who can visit her website at or email her directly at [email protected].