She's No Faerie Princess

A Novel of the Others

by Christine Warren

St. Martin's Press

Paranormal Romance: Fantasy, Paranormal Romance: Faeries

October 31, 2006

ISBN-13: 0312347766

Available in: Paperback

She's No Faerie Princess
by Christine Warren

Queen Mab's niece, Fiona, has long been bored to tears by the intrigues of Court life. She'd prefer to cut loose at a punk club, knock back a few Thai beers, and hook up with a likely lad of similar interests. But when Fiona goes AWOL, she only gets as far as Manhattan's Inwood Park before a nasty demon nearly puts a permanent crimp in her plans—and a dark stranger sparks her desire...

All work and no play make Tobias Walker one cranky werewolf. After six months of doing his part to keep the peace during the delicate negotiations between the Others and humankind, he'd like nothing more than a good night's sleep—preceded by an enthusiastic mating session. The alluring woman he rescues in the park might be the answer to his most lustful prayers, but only if they can both stay alive long enough to find out who wants her dead and why.

Now, Fiona and Tobias must unravel a tangled web of treachery that spans branches of the Fae, Other, and mortal worlds, all the while falling into a dangerous attraction that could be the beginning of a beautiful friendship—or the end for them both...

Christine Warren's Bio

Since her early days of hiding the luridly covered paperbacks under her pillows so her parents wouldn't catch her reading past her bedtime, Christine Warren has suffered an addiction to romance novels. Discovering Ellora's Cave turned her into a positive junkie by introducing her to the world of Romantica, but it also proved to be an inspiration for the long-time writer. After penning everything from poems to short stories to screenplays, she discovered her real calling in erotic romance and happily penned her first e-book about a sexy Russian vampire and a woman with too many friends.

Christine spends most of her time thinking about sex — which is really no different from what she's always done — but now she puts those thoughts into her computer screen and hopes her audience enjoys reading them as much as she enjoys writing them! She loves to hear from readers, who can visit her website at or email her directly at [email protected].