December Kiss

The Snowberry Series Book 2

by Katie Mettner


Contemporary Romance

October 13, 2014

Available in: Paperback, e-Book

December Kiss
by Katie Mettner

It's nearly Christmas in Snowberry, Minnesota, but Jay Alexander is feeling anything but jolly. Stuck in the middle of the town square with a flat tire on his worn-out wheelchair leaves him feeling grinchy.

December Kiss has only been in Snowberry for a few months when she happens upon a broken-down boy next door. His sandy brown hair and quirky smile have her hoisting his wheelchair into the back of her four-horse Cherokee.

Working together brings Jay and December closer. When he learns December's only wish this Christmas is to see her brother, he'll stop at nothing to make it happen. If everything goes as planned, Jay will get his December Kiss under the mistletoe on Christmas Eve.

Inclusions: Hero uses a wheelchair due to Spina Bifida

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Katie Mettner's Bio

Katie Mettner wears the title of 'the only person to lose her leg after falling down the bunny hill' and loves decorating her prosthetic leg to fit the season. She lives in Northern Wisconsin with her own happily-ever-after and spends the day writing romantic stories with her sweet puppy by her side. Katie has an addiction to coffee and dachshunds and a lessening aversion to Pinterest --- now that she's quit trying to make the things she pins.