Long Past Dawn

The Cowboys of Bison Ridge Book 2

by Katie Mettner

Indie Published

Contemporary Romance

April 5, 2022

Available in: Paperback, e-Book

Long Past Dawn
by Katie Mettner

Texas cowboy Beau Hanson has lived a life filled with loss, pain, and regret, but he could always count on his brother, Blaze, to anchor him. Now, things are changing at Bison Ridge, and Beau doesn't know where he belongs.

Dawn Briar Lee is in trouble. She has more balls in the air than she has hands, and the pain in them isn't helping. Running Heavenly Lane alone is overwhelming, but she's afraid to risk her home and family by asking for help.

Beau and Dawn find solace with each other as they struggle to accept their new reality, but when Beau's past returns to Wisconsin, Dawn has to ask herself one question. Can she live with his ghosts or will they steal her future forever?

Inclusions: Rheumatoid Arthritis, Stuttering

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Katie Mettner's Bio

Katie Mettner wears the title of 'the only person to lose her leg after falling down the bunny hill' and loves decorating her prosthetic leg to fit the season. She lives in Northern Wisconsin with her own happily-ever-after and spends the day writing romantic stories with her sweet puppy by her side. Katie has an addiction to coffee and dachshunds and a lessening aversion to Pinterest --- now that she's quit trying to make the things she pins.