Primal Lusts

by Marilyn Lee

Atlantic Bridge Publishing (Liquid Silver Books)

Sensual: Erotica, Sensual: Paranormal, Paranormal Romance: Vampire

May 6, 2004

ISBN-13: 1595780076

Available in: e-Book

Primal Lusts
by Marilyn Lee

Some things are timeless—endless love. Others are addictive? primal lusts. Some loves are worth dying for. Others worth living for...over and over.

When Jacoby and Paul meet at a vampire orgy, Jacoby suspects Paul is his perfect person, his bloodlust. The two are content until Jacoby encounters Venus, the image of the ebony beauty who broke his heart. Torn by his enduring feelings for Paul, Jacoby nevertheless feels a primal lust for Venus that can only mean one thing. She is his bloodlust.

As a young vampire, hundreds of years earlier, Jacoby had watched two different vampires trying to handle dual bloodlusts. Both instances ended badly. Still, unable to resist a passion and desire as old as time, Jacoby surrenders to his hunger and pursues the fleeing Venus with Paul, determined to keep Jacoby's love and affection, in close pursuit.

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Marilyn Lee's Bio

Marilyn Lee, who writes erotic romances for Renaissance E- Books and Ellora's Cave, lives, works, and writes on the East Coast. In addition to thoroughly enjoying writing erotic romances, she enjoys roller-skating, spending time with her large extended family, and rooting for all her hometown sports teams. Her other interests include collecting Doc Savage pulp novels from the thirties and forties and collecting Marvel comics from the seventies and eighties. Her favorite TV shows are forensic shows, westerns, and mysteries. She thoroughly enjoys hearing from readers who can email her at [email protected].