Special Agent Charli

Undercover FBI Book 6

by Mimi Barbour

Sarna Publishing

Mystery: Police Procedural

August 11, 2018

Available in: Paperback, Audio, e-Book

Special Agent Charli
by Mimi Barbour

The only man she wants in her life is her old Gramps, and all he wants is a grandchild. Special Agent Charli Madison can't get a break. After the stress of her last horrific assignment, all she wants is to spend time vacationing with her Gramps in Fort Lauderdale, a city they both love. Plans go awry, and she's forced into witness protection, guarding a teenage girl who's the only person able to identify a notorious killer. To make matters worse, she has to accept the womanizing local FLPD Major as her fictitious fiancé and her backup on the dangerous mission. Heaven knows, she doesn't deserve this mess...

Blake Sebastian is tired of his role as lover for the women who hang around him in droves. Problem is - he doesn't trust any of them with his heart, never mind with his future. When pushed, he admits to the curly-headed, disapproving FBI agent under his jurisdiction, a man can get sick of so much sugar. Every so often, he needs a little sour to offset that much sweetness.

Charli was not impressed.

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Mimi Barbour's Bio

NYT & USA Today, best-selling, award-winning author, Mimi Barbour, lives on the beautiful east coast of Vancouver Island and writes her romances with tongue-in-cheek and a mad glint in her eye. Asked why she prefers paranormal or suspenseful romance, she answers, chuckling... "Because it's fun! Imagination can be a lot more interesting than what happens in real life to so-called normal people. I love my characters, and my goal is to make the readers love them also. To care about what happens to them while the tale unfolds. If I can steal my booklover's attention away from their everyday grind, absorb them in a fantasy world, and make them care about the ending, then I've done my job. "Thinking back, writing my first romantic suspense novel switched the hard work into fun, and I've not looked back. I love writing about men and women finding each other and falling in love. Along the way, it pleases me to fill their travels with gritty conflicts -- spiced up with lots of humor and seasoned with a few tears, but always with endings that are happy."