September Contest

On Sale NOW!

To celebrate the new release of the third book in the Alaskan Search and Rescue Series, I’m giving away book 1 and 2 in the series (THE YULETIDE RESCUE and TO SAVE HER CHILD) to one person.

THE PROTECTOR’S MISSION, Alaskan Search & Rescue #3 — On Sale NOW!


Lydia McKenzie is the only living witness to a serial bomber’s latest threat. Surviving the explosion at the café, Lydia is rescued by police sergeant Jesse Hunt and his K-9 partner, a Rottweiler named Brutus. She’s struggling to remember details of the incident. But one thing she’ll never forget is how she once felt about Jesse—the high school sweetheart she left to marry another. In charge of her protection, the guarded cop believes the bomber’s after her, and he promises to keep her safe. But as more of Lydia’s memories return, the more the vicious killer wants her dead.

Alaskan Search and Rescue: Risking their lives to save the day

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