Many of you told me you loved the Hellions, so I’m hoping you’ll love my new series just as much—a Regency version of a missing persons agency. It spun from one character who appeared in the last two books of the Hellions series—Maximilian Cale, the Duke of Lyons. I rarely write duke heroes, but this one stole my heart so thoroughly that I had to name my new Duke’s Men series after him! What the Duke Desires comes out from Pocket Books on June 18, 2013. The reviews have been gratifying—Publishers Weekly gave it a starred review, and Romantic Times gave it a 4 1/2 star Top Pick. I hope you’ll give it your stamp of approval as well.

Here’s a quick rundown of the story:

Maximilian Cale, the Duke of Lyons, accepted long ago that his kidnapped brother was dead. When a cryptic note from investigator Tristan Bonnaud claims otherwise, Max seeks out Tristan’s sister, Lisette—and is infuriated to learn that Tristan has also mysteriously vanished. Have the siblings perpetrated an elaborate hoax? Or is the fiercely protective beauty as innocent as she claims them to be?

Fearful that the powerful Duke will destroy Tristan’s career in his zeal for the truth, the clever Lisette convinces Max to accompany her to Paris in a joint search for their loved ones. But their journey takes a seductive twist when they pose as an ordinary husband and wife—not an English Duke with a tarnished family name, and the illegitimate daughter of a viscount—and discover an exhilarating passion free from the damning secrets of the past. With the line between danger and desire enticingly blurred, they discover that some mysteries, like those of the heart, are answered tenfold in the bliss of a true and trusting love.

The series will have four books full of romance and adventure. I hope you’ll join me for the fun!


Sabrina Jeffries

Get to know Maximilian Cale, the Duke of Lyons, and the hero in my June 18th release, What the Duke Desires.
  1. Favorite drink: Brandy, but in moderation, so I don’t make a fool of myself in front of a certain fetching miss.

  2. Least favorite way to travel: Aboard a noisy steam packet . . . especially after I’ve over-indulged in brandy

  3. Most favorite way to travel: In a private carriage where I can indulge certain . . . desires with my companion.

  4. Worst-kept secret: That my father died raving mad.

  5. Best-kept secret: That I’m not as “dukely” as a certain young lady keeps asserting, especially when said young lady is dressed inappropriately.

  6. Favorite attire for a woman: The flimsiest nightdress imaginable, preferably with no wrapper.
June 4, 2013

June 18, 2013
Pocket Books / $7.99
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Genesis of The Duke’s Men
Dominick Manton, the disinherited younger son of a viscount, refuses to let his lot in life ruin his future success. Instead, he opens Manton's Investigations, specializing in finding missing persons, and employs his illegitimate half-sister, Lisette Bonnaud. When they take on the Duke of Lyons’ case involving their other illegitimate sibling, Tristan Bonnaud, neither realizes that they’re beginning something extraordinary. Because the secrets they uncover will rock the dukedom and alter their own futures until the agency becomes, by popular acclaim . . . The Duke’s Men.

Win $100 Gift Card & a Guest Role in a Will and Jane Comic!
To make sure you have this book in hand and ready to read on the June 18 release date, pre-order your print or eBook copy now. As an extra incentive for pre-ordering What the Duke Desires, anyone who sends an email confirmation of their pre-order purchase to [email protected] will be entered to win a $100 gift card to the bookstore of the winner’s choice. That lucky winner will also have the opportunity to see themselves in comic book form, because I will write the winner into my next Will and Jane comic adventure! (Read more of Will & Jane’s adventures starring a Jane Austen action figure and a caricature figure of William Shakespeare on Sabrina's site.)