Meet Smoke, the K-9 Hero of Honor ’N’ Duty, Federal K-9 book 6

on July 20, 2022

By Tee O’Fallon No author wants their heroes and heroines to be cookie cutter versions of characters in a previous book. I like to keep my characters fresh. Whether it’s different eye color, hair color, employment… The same goes for my K-9s. If you haven’t noticed, I’ve done a pretty good job of varying the… Read More

Tee O

Tee O'Fallon

Tee O'Fallon has been a federal agent for twenty-three years, giving her hands-on experience in the field of law enforcement that she combines with her love of romantic suspense. Tee's job affords her the unique opportunity to work with the heroic and sexy men in law enforcement on a daily basis. For Tee, research is the easy part! Tee is the author of the NYPD Blue & Gold Series: Burnout, Blood Money, and Disavowed. Tee is hard at work on the first of her new K9 romantic suspense series, Lock 'N' Load. Aside from writing, Tee loves cooking, gardening, lychee martinis, and all creatures canine.

A Morning in the Life of a Real Live Romance Author

on July 11, 2022

Hey, y’all, I’m Kacy Cross, author of The Cowboy’s Sweet Redemption, a sweet, funny story about a grumpy ex-Army Captain who hires a sunshiny dog trainer to get his horrible menagerie under control. I live in north Texas and I can see Southfork Ranch from the second story window of my house. Yes, the one… Read More

Kacy Cross

Kacy Cross

I write romance novels starring swoon-worthy heroes that you can share with your daughter, the ladies at church and your grandmother without fear because my books never contain bad language, violence or adult content. I live in Texas where I've seen bobcats and beavers near my house, but sadly not one cowboy. I'm raising two mini-ninjas alongside the love of my life who cooks while I write, which is my definition of a true hero.

Getting Back to Your Reading Roots

on July 8, 2022

Writer’s block is not a new topic, but it’s always a relevant one. There are many things that can help out when your creative juices stop flowing: meditating, taking a walk, reading a book – the list goes on and on. Sometimes the block sticks around, which can be pretty miserable, but eventually, it does… Read More

Lindsey Frydman

Lindsey Frydman

Lindsey writes about heart-stopping romance, rule-breaking heroes, and everyday magic. She lives in Ohio (where the weather is never quite right). Her BFA in Photography and Graphic Design has granted her a wide assortment of creative knowledge that serves mostly as inspiration. When she's not crafting stories, you'll likely find her spendingwaaaytoo much time on Pinterest, gaming, or performing in a burlesque show---because she enjoys giving her introversion a worthy adversary. (Plus, it's the closest to Broadway she'll ever get.)

There’s Just Something About Small Towns

on June 23, 2022

Hey y’all! I’m Aliyah Burke and I’m honored to be here today. Thanks for joining me. I write romance—paranormal, historical, and contemporary—as well as cozy mysteries. Small towns. I love them. Love living in them. Love writing about them. Not as much of a fan of the fact everyone knows my business, but it’s still… Read More

Aliyah Burke

Aliyah Burke

Aliyah Burke is an avid reader and is never far from pen and paper (or the computer). She loves to hear from her readers and can be reached here. She is married to a career military man. They are owned by three Borzoi, and a DSH cat. She spends her days sharing time between work, writing, and dog training, showing, and racing.

The Lens of Romance

on June 22, 2022

The Lord Pretender is a tale of gender, and specifically, what happens when the “glove doesn’t fit.” In the story, the misfit is the result of a body switch between a man and a woman that thrusts them unwillingly into unfamiliar genders. Many of our brothers and sisters experience a similar sense of not fitting… Read More

Sawyer North

Sawyer North

As a male writer of historical romance, I am a member of a small but fortunate fraternity. After I ignored the genre for most of my life, discovering many years ago how much I loved it proved more than simply unexpected. It was an epiphany. Reading romance has changed me as a man by eroding my introversion, improving my relationship energy, and kindling hotter the romantic flame of my life. As a writer of other genres, it was only a matter of time until I felt compelled to try my hand at historical romance. After three pedestrian manuscripts, the fourth finally found a home at Entangled Publishing. I am far more lucky than good as a writer, and strive every day to reduce that ratio.

An Interview With Stephanie Vance

on May 10, 2022

Across the Aisle is my debut novel, which is why you don’t know much about me…yet. I thought I’d introduce myself through an imaginary interview. I’m a writer. We’re creative like that. Interviewer: Stephanie, tell us about Across the Aisle. Stephanie: It’s a classic enemies-to-lovers romance featuring Dallas McGrath, a female lobbyist working to succeed… Read More

Stephanie Vance

Stephanie Vance

By day Stephanie Vance is a DC-based grassroots consultant known as the "Advocacy Guru" (a title she made up). She's written several non-fiction books on how to be an effective advocate. By night, though, she writes romance comedies set here in DC--like Across the Aisle. Believe it or not, romance is alive and well in our in the nation's capital. People from opposite sides of the political spectrum date all the time. The true trouble arises when cat people date dog people. That's when the sparks fly.

Writing Enemies to Lovers When You Want Everyone to Get Along

on March 28, 2022

I’ve always wanted to write an enemies to lovers story. There’s a big problem with that, my characters have a tendency to quickly fall into, “her eyes, her laugh, I’ve loved her since we first met!” which doesn’t work for an enemies beginning! Add to that my own desire for everyone to get along, and… Read More

Laura Brown

Laura Brown

Laura Brown lives in Massachusetts with her quirky abnormal family. Her husband's put up with her since high school, her young son keeps her on her toes, and her two cats think they deserve more scratches. Hearing loss is a big part of who she is, from her own hard of hearing ears, to the characters she creates.

Michelle McLean’s Relationship Rules

on February 17, 2022

In Ten Rules for Marrying a Duke, my hero and heroine—Silas Spencer, Duke of Whittsley and Miss Arabella Bromley—enter into a marriage of convenience, complete with a set of iron-clad rules to help their fake relationship run smoothly. Now, my own relationship certainly isn’t fake – I’ve been married for almost 21 years now and… Read More

Michelle McLean

Michelle McLean

Michelle McLean is a jeans and t-shirt kind of girl who is addicted to chocolate and goldfish crackers and spent most of her formative years with her nose in a book. She has a B.S. in History, a M.A. in English, and loves her romance with a touch of suspenseful mystery. She resides in PA with her husband and two amazing children

A New Twist on an Old Tale: The Power of Tropes

on January 12, 2022

by Liana LeFey When writing Tempting the Vicar (Jan 2022) and its “twin” The Devil’s Own (June 2021), I didn’t set out to retell an old story. I didn’t even realize I’d been influenced by two tales my mother read to me when I was young. But after I finished drafting The Devil’s Own, I… Read More

Liana LeFey

Liana LeFey

As a romance author, I delight in crafting incendiary tales that capture the heart and the imagination, taking the reader out of the now and into another world. Regardless of whether you choose to dive into the past, leap into the future, or lose yourself in another realm entirely, between the pages you'll find deep emotional journeys and passionate romance! The splendor of the Georgian period (1714-1837) provides a lush, glittering backdrop for my sizzling historical romances. Between the pages of my early Georgian pieces you'll find sensuous lovers, lavish royal courts, and deadly intrigues. My Regencies look back to an era of refined manners and strict propriety, while revealing the secret, wicked desires of its elegant ladies and courtly gentlemen. In my sci-fi romances, love transcends all boundaries and spans a future of endless possibility based on what we're learning about our universe today. My fantasy romances will take you on a quest through realms both familiar and unknown, with characters and creatures from myth and folklore, and of course include powerful magic paired with that most potent of all enchantments: love. About moi? I live in Central Texas with my dashing hero/husband of nearly twenty years and our beautiful daughter. I'm also privileged to serve (and it is most definitely servitude) one spoiled-rotten feline overlord. I adore chocolate and just about anything involving the words "salted caramel." When my brain is too fried to weave stories, I read (of course), watch movies or binge-watch television series, make jewelry and knit scarves. What do I read/watch? In addition to being a historical research junkie (there have been interventions), I'm a fan of all things sci-fi and fantasy. Star Wars is the first movie I remember seeing. I was five and watched a double feature of Episodes IV and V with my parents at the big theater downtown...and came out wanting to marry Han Solo. Fed on bedtime stories from authors like Tolkien, Baum, and Herbert, I became a language-loving, book-gobbling monster at the age of four and have yet to be sated. The Kadin by Bertrice Small was the first romance novel I ever devoured. I was fourteen, it was delicious, and I'm now thrilled to be writing romance for fellow enthusiasts.

Behind the Scenes of Serve ’N’ Protect

on September 22, 2021

By Tee O’Fallon Serve ’N’ Protect is my eighth published romantic suspense and the first one for which I can’t take full credit for devising the plot. This was a true collaborative effort between me, my editor, and my publisher. For this story, my publisher said: “Hey, Tee. We’d like you to do something a… Read More

Tee O

Tee O'Fallon

Tee O'Fallon has been a federal agent for twenty-three years, giving her hands-on experience in the field of law enforcement that she combines with her love of romantic suspense. Tee's job affords her the unique opportunity to work with the heroic and sexy men in law enforcement on a daily basis. For Tee, research is the easy part! Tee is the author of the NYPD Blue & Gold Series: Burnout, Blood Money, and Disavowed. Tee is hard at work on the first of her new K9 romantic suspense series, Lock 'N' Load. Aside from writing, Tee loves cooking, gardening, lychee martinis, and all creatures canine.

Third Times A Charm or Three Rewrites Later…

on August 25, 2021

Hello Writerspace readers! I’m so happy to be here today to share a few words about my new release from Entangled Publishing, WRITTEN FOR YOU. It’s a friends to lovers, forced proximity, small town romance that took a long time to get to The End. You see, like my screenwriting hero, Cam, I suffered from… Read More

Robin Bielman

Robin Bielman

Robin Bielman is the USA Today bestselling author of over fifteen novels. When not attached to her laptop, she loves to read, go to the beach, frequent coffee shops (and by frequent she means daily but she's trying to break the habit), and spend time with her high school sweetheart husband and two sons. Her fondness for swoon-worthy heroes who flirt and stumble upon the girl they can't live without jumpstarts most of her story ideas. She writes with a steady stream of caffeine nearby (see above) and the best dog on the planet, Harry, by her side. She also dreams of traveling to faraway places and loves to connect with readers. Keep in touch on social! xoxo


on April 19, 2021

Hi, y’all! My name is Anne Harper and I write small-town, romantic comedies filled with shenanigans, romance, and sweet tea. Most notably, the Accidentally Viral series! The first book in the series, Fake It Till You Make It, was inspired by a very embarrassing email I almost sent to my editor on accident. That uh-oh… Read More

Anne Harper

Anne Harper

Anne Harper writes romantic comedy that embodies the shenanigans of an I Love Lucy episode and the awkwardness of saying "you too" after the waiter tells you to enjoy your meal. She lives in South Alabama with her husband, their three cats, and a humidity that threatens to destroy them all. Anne is an advocate for coffee, selfies, and adoption from foster care. When she isn't dreaming about meeting her future kiddos, she's getting herself into wild situations and hilarious misunderstandings. #ItsFine