How a book is born, or where I got my idea for my very first Christmas romance

on October 17, 2019

People often want to know where writers get their ideas, and in interviews authors reveal how they people-watch or listen in on conversations and then what if- questions start bubbling in their brains. For me, it often starts with a single scene I imagine clearly. Out of the blue really. The image of a lady… Read More

Viv Royce

Viv Royce

With the same trademark atmospheric settings, relatable characters and cute canines that made several of her cozy mysteries #1 Amazon US and Canada bestsellers in multiple categories, Vivian Conroy pens romance as Viv Royce, creating heartthrob heroes ranging from rugged pilots to royals reluctant to believe in true love who meet their match in that girl next door or the co-worker with the business ideas exactly opposing their own -- happy endings guaranteed! When not frequenting fictional worlds, Viv loves to hike (especially in the mountains), craft with paper, felt and clay, and hunt for the perfect cheesecake. Quite active on Twitter, she's the founder of #HistFicChat, a live Twitter chat about historical fiction, featuring authors like Kate Quinn, Anna Lee Huber and Susan Spann, and would love for readers to follow her and connect via @VivWrites.

Controlling men…and why we love to break them.

on October 16, 2019

Opposites attract, or so the saying goes. And while it’s true we are often attracted to the qualities we are missing in our own lives, it can make for an interesting and tumultuous time when navigating the path to true love. They also say, that if everyone was the same, life would be boring! But… Read More

Toni J. Strawn

Toni J. Strawn

Toni J. Strawn lives in New Zealand and loves everything romance. Hot, bad, crazy, out-of-control romance. In her One Moment series, Toni enjoys setting up her characters for the ultimate one night stand and turning it into happily ever after. While not locked away in her Romansion, a tiny writing shed at the bottom of the garden, Toni can be found feeding her addiction to paranormal romance, or hanging with super-hubby, Chris and her three children.

“I Can’t Do It Alone” – The Importance of a Support System

on September 26, 2019

by Lynn Winchester When I was asked to write a blog post, I racked my brain for topics that would be of interest. There are several things I could share about my book A Lady Never Tells, but I felt that lots of authors can gush about their books, but that’s not me. I wanted… Read More

Lynn Winchester

Lynn Winchester

Lynn Winchester is the pseudonym of a hardworking California-born conservative, now living in the wilds of Northeast Pennsylvania. Lynn has been writing fiction since the 5th grade, and enjoys creating worlds, characters, and stories for her readers.

The “What Ifs” of Writing Sci-fi Romance

on July 16, 2019

One of the most interesting ways to find story ideas is to ask the question “What if…?” And when writing sci-fi romance, the number of “what ifs” multiplies. Once you leave the contemporary world and planet earth behind, there’s no end to the “what ifs” that can happen. The who, when, where, why options become… Read More

Robin Lovett

Robin Lovett

Robin Lovett enjoys writing romance to avoid the more unsavory things in life, like day jobs, housework, and personal demons. Romance novels have always been her addiction of choice. When not writing with her cat, she's busy embracing untamable curly hair and adventuring in the outdoors with her husband.

Best. Job. Ever.

on June 18, 2019

I love my job. Every day I get to write about hunky heroes, swoon-worthy kisses and all kinds of other sexy things. One of my favourite bits of the whole process is getting a cover for one of my books. Even though I deal with words, I’m a really visual person (hence why I have… Read More

Stefanie London

Stefanie London

Stefanie London is the USA Today bestselling author of contemporary romance with humour, heat and heart. Growing up, Stefanie came from a family of women who loved to read. Her favourite activity was going shopping with her Nan during school holidays, where she would sit on the floor of the bookstore with her little sister and painstakingly select the books to spend her allowance on. Thankfully, Nan was a patient woman. Thus, it was no surprise Stefanie was the sort of student who would read her English books before the semester started. After sneaking several literature subjects into her 'very practical' Business degree, she got a job in Communications. When writing emails and newsletters didn't fulfil her creative urges, she turned to fiction and was finally able to write the stories that kept her mind busy at night. Now she lives with her very own hero and dreams of travelling the world. She frequently indulges in her passions for good coffee, French perfume, high heels and zombie movies. Recently she gave up her day job to write sexy, contemporary romance stories and she couldn't be happier.


on June 10, 2019

Please tell us a bit about your new release. NO HEARTBREAKER REQUIRED is the second of three books in the Biggest Little Love Story series and takes place in Reno, which is known as the “Biggest Little City in the World”.  NO HEARTBREAKER REQUIRED is a sweet, contemporary romance with a bit of western flair…. Read More

JoAnn Sky

JoAnn Sky

JoAnn Sky has written for years as part of her job (business and marketing plans and the like). One day she tried her hand at writing for fun---and liked it. Now she authors adult contemporary romance and young adult romance with a magical twist as well as children's books.She is a two-time Golden Heart finalist and a member of Romance Writers of America. Originally from the Midwest, JoAnn currently lives in northern Nevada with her husband a.k.a. love of her life, three teenage children, and three crazy rescue dogs. Visit her at where you can sign up for her newsletter (and check out for information about her children's stories). You can also connect with JoAnn on Facebook in her reader group (, Twitter (, and Instagram (

Clash of Culture

on May 24, 2019

I’m excited to be here and talk about my new release Vow of Silence. One of the things that I love about this book, and what I think sets it apart from other romantic suspense is the location. I wanted to tell a story that took place in Lancaster County and involved the Amish community…. Read More

Melynda Price

Melynda Price

Melynda Price is a bestselling and award-winning author of contemporary romance. Her books have finaled in many prestigious awards such as the RONE, USA Today BBA, Golden Quill, National Readers' Choice, and New England Readers' Choice. Fighting for Control won the 2017 Write Touch award. What Price enjoys most about writing is the chance to make her readers fall in love, over and over again. Her greatest enjoyment is making the unbelievable believable, while taking her characters to the limit with stories full of passion and unique twists and turns. Salting stories with undertones of history whenever possible, Price adds immeasurable depth to her well-crafted books. She currently lives in Northern Minnesota with her husband and two children where she has plenty of snow-filled days to curl up in front of the fireplace with her Chihuahua and a hot cup of coffee to write.

Tips and tricks for the Stressed-out Author

on May 15, 2019

Usually I am a slow writer, but circumstances forced me to write my new release, Heart’s Desire, at the fastest pace I’ve ever written. In order to finish on time, I had to push myself to my limit—and I’m sure many of you can relate. Anyone pursuing a career as an author knows for every… Read More

Wendy LaCapra

Wendy LaCapra

Wendy LaCapra has been reading romance since she sneaked into the adult section at the library and discovered Victoria Holt & Jane Aiken Hodge. From that point on, she dreamed of creating fictional worlds with as much richness, intrigue and passion as she found within those books. Her stories have placed in several contests, including the 2012 Golden Heart. She lives in NYC with her husband and loves to hear from readers. If you'd like to be informed when a Wendy releases a new book, sign up for her mailing list at (never shared!)

How A Plotter and a Panster wrote a book together and lived to tell about it

on May 10, 2019

Theresa and I met online about five years ago, thanks to a mutual admiration for each other’s work. We became critique partners and developed a friendship that went beyond writing. We encouraged each other through the querying and publication of our first novels. At some point along the way, we started kicking around the idea… Read More

T.H. Hernandez

T.H. Hernandez

T.H. Hernandez is a young adult author of six novels, spanning the contemporary, post-global warming/dystopian, and urban scifi genres. She lives in San Diego, California with her husband, three kids, and a zoo-worthy collection of animals. Her latest release, PROM-WRECKED, was co-written with Jennifer DiGiovanni and releases May 2019 from Entangled Teen.

Being a Dog Mom

on May 8, 2019

Hello! We are the writing team of Storm Navarro and Jolie de la Cruz writing together as R.C. Alvarez. Recently, we have met up with a creative content strategist, Writing Bytes, to get a glimpse into what it takes to market your own book before and after its release date. She told us that one… Read More

R. C. Alvarez

R. C. Alvarez

The Paranormal Romance writing team of Storm Navarro and Jolie de la Cruz spend their days delving into myth and madness and coating it with romance. Texas born and raised, both authors have a penchant for strong men and wild rides. Their first book was launched into the world on May 27, 2019.

Our Connected World

on April 22, 2019

Red Zone, out April 22 I do everything with my smartphone. It’s my wallet, my stereo, my library, my mailbox, my photo album, my place to hang out with friends, my calendar and my office. I use it to turn on my heating when I’m on my way home, to make sure the house is… Read More

Janet Elizabeth Henderson

Janet Elizabeth Henderson

Janet is a Scot who moved to New Zealand fifteen years ago. Among other things, she's been an artist, a teacher, a security guard at a castle, a magazine editor, and a cleaner in a drop-in center for drug addicts (NOT the best job!). She now writes full-time and, so far, has written eighteen books. When she isn't living in her head, she raises two kids, one husband, and several random animals. She survives on chocolate and caffeine.

Girls Weekend Away

on April 19, 2019

Do you have a bunch of girlfriends that mean the world to you? Or maybe you just have one, or two, friends that are your besties. Doesn’t matter how many friends you have, when you have a best friend they are worth their weight in gold. That’s what GIRLS WEEKEND AWAY series is all about…. Read More

Shana Gray

Shana Gray

Shana Gray writes contemporary romance and women's fiction that just might make you laugh. With 30 books behind her, some translated into multiple languages, she's always eyeing the next story line. She lives in a small town in Ontario, Canada, is a mom of two grown sons, a brand new daughter-in-law, and is her black cat's human. When she's not writing or at her day job, she can be found daydreaming about life, usually with a glass of wine or cocktail in hand and making travel plans to far off lands to feed her wanderlust. Her newest series -- Girl's Weekend Away -- is out now.