A Better Man

on April 18, 2019

When we decided to co-author a new adult contemporary romance, we knew working together would make us better writers, but we didn’t realize it would make me us better men. Um…maybe we should back up at this point and mention that we are not, technically, men at all, so much as wives, moms, and card-carrying… Read More

Robin Bielman

Robin Bielman

Robin Bielman is the USA Today bestselling author of over fifteen novels. When not attached to her laptop, she loves to read, go to the beach, frequent coffee shops (and by frequent she means daily but she's trying to break the habit), and spend time with her high school sweetheart husband and two sons. Her fondness for swoon-worthy heroes who flirt and stumble upon the girl they can't live without jumpstarts most of her story ideas. She writes with a steady stream of caffeine nearby (see above) and the best dog on the planet, Harry, by her side. She also dreams of traveling to faraway places and loves to connect with readers. Keep in touch on social! xoxo


on March 27, 2019

I’ve got some questions for you. What does it mean to belong to an organization like your local Romance Writers of America chapter? Does it mean paying your dues and gleaning as much as you can from the meetings, newsletters, and conferences and then applying that knowledge to your work? Does it mean participating so… Read More

Jennifer Trethewey

Jennifer Trethewey

Jennifer Trethewey's Highlanders of Balforss series features brawny Scots, sweeping romance, and nonstop adventure, all laced with a liberal dose of humor. Her foundation for storytelling is grounded in her long career in theater as co-founder and former co-artistic director of Renaissance Theaterworks, one of the most successful and longest running women's theater companies in America. As an actor-turned-writer, she has moved her performances from the stage to the page and invites you to enjoy the drama of the Scottish Highlands in TYING THE SCOT, BETTING THE SCOT, FORGETTING THE SCOT, and most recently, SAVING THE SCOT.


The Realities Of Writing

on March 25, 2019

I don’t know about you, but before I was an author, my idea of what authors did all day was so far removed from what really happens on a day to day basis. I will preface this by saying that I also have a full-time 9-5 job Monday through Friday on top of my writing… Read More

Sharon Cullen

Sharon Cullen

After earning a degree in journalism from Ohio University, Sharon found the stories inside her head were more interesting than what was going on in the world around her. Yet, it wasn't until years later that she decided to pursue her secret dream of writing a romance novel. Since then she's been published in romantic suspense, paranormal romance, contemporary romance and historical romance. Sharon's other job descriptions include chauffeur, laundress, cook and mediator to her three very busy kids, her husband and two dogs. She lives in southwest Ohio with her brood although her dream is to someday retire to St. Maarten and live on the beach. If you'd like to find out more about Sharon and her books, you can visit her at her website. She's addicted to social networking so you can find her onFacebook and Twitter. Friend her! Like her! Follow her! She'd love to hang out with you and talk about her passion---books.


Who is Declan James?

on March 20, 2019

Thanks so much for having me here on Writerspace. I’m so excited to share my newest story, the last in the Love Unexpected Series, Story of Us. Declan James figured he’d be a bachelor for the rest of his life and was perfectly fine with that. But when Sophia Strombi—a friend’s younger sister—comes back to… Read More

Jody Holford

Jody Holford

I'm a mom and wife first and many things after. I'm a best friend and a regular friend. A daughter, sister, auntie, a teacher, and maybe even... a writer. I am a book lover, a shopper, a pajama-wearer, movie-watcher, worrier, over-thinker, and a wanna-be-good-Samaritan. I'm a Gemini, a nervous talker, and an emotional writer. I am represented by Frances Black of Literary Counsel.  


on March 12, 2019

When I began my first novel, I had no idea how all consuming writing could become. When a story hits you out of the blue, or the fix to a scene you’ve been agonizing over drops into your lap, you want to get to your keyboard. Stat. Unfortunately, that’s often easier said than done. Because… Read More

Kyra Jacobs

Kyra Jacobs

Kyra Jacobs is an extroverted introvert who has always called Indiana home. That means she's well versed in fickle weather, pork tenderloin patties that don't fit on a bun, and sarcasm. Putting her Indiana University degrees in Public Management to good use by day means Kyra does the bulk of her writing late into the night. Fueled by caffeine and funny memes, she weaves tales of love and relationships, including the humor and/or chaos both can bring. Kyra's published novels range from sweet contemporary romance to chick lit and paranormal/fantasy. When this Hoosier native isn't at a keyboard, daydreaming through her fingertips, she's likely outside, elbow-deep in snapdragons or on a sideline somewhere cheering (loudly) for her sporty sons. Kyra also loves to go bowling, tries to golf, and is an avid college football fan.


The Last Letter

on February 27, 2019

Sobbing in a hotel room at 5 a.m. I have six kids, which means our life is a wee bit hectic. During hockey season, with four sons skating and a husband in the military, silence is more than golden…it’s unheard of. Usually, I can roll with the noise, and I write during the day while… Read More

Rebecca Yarros

Rebecca Yarros

Rebecca Yarros is a hopeless romantic and lover of all things chocolate, coffee, and Paleo. In addition to being a mom, military wife, and blogger, she can never choose between Young Adult and New Adult fiction, so she writes both. She's a graduate of Troy University, where she studied European history and English, but still holds out hope for an acceptance letter to Hogwarts. Her blog, The Only Girl Among Boys, has been voted the Top Military Mom Blog the last two years, and celebrates the complex issues surrounding the military life she adores. When she's not writing, she's tying on hockey skates for her kids, or sneaking in some guitar time. She is madly in love with her army-aviator husband of eleven years, and they're currently stationed in Upstate NY with their gaggle of rambunctious kiddos and snoring English Bulldog, but she would always rather be home in Colorado.


“They don’t have chemistry.”

on February 18, 2019

Four words you never want to hear from your agent when you are writing a romance. But I heard them, and it was the best thing anyone has said to me. — I spent months trying to write The Crush Collision. I knew that Jake Lexington was my main character—and I knew him through and… Read More

Danielle Ellison

Danielle Ellison

Danielle Ellison is a nomad, always on the lookout for an adventure and the next story. In addition to writing, she's the founder and coordinator of the NoVa TEEN Book Festival. When she's not busy with books, she's probably watching her favorite shows, drinking coffee, or fighting her nomadic urges. She is settled in Oklahoma (for now) with her boyfriend, two cats, and three jobs, but you can always find her on Twitter @DanielleEWrites.


In the Dog House 

on February 15, 2019

by Traci Hall During my research for In the Dog House, my contemporary romance for Entangled’s Bliss line, I fell in love myself—with funny dog videos. Cat videos. Animal videos. They are addicting, and they always made me smile or laugh. Talk about instant mood lifter. We all have so many reasons to be stressed—relationships,… Read More

Traci Hall

Traci Hall

With an impressive bibliography in an array of genres, USA Today bestselling author Traci Hall has garnered a notable fan base. She pens stories guaranteed to touch the heart while transporting the reader to another time and place. Her belief in happily ever after shines through, whether it's a romantic glimpse into history or a love affair for today.


Deleted Scenes

on January 16, 2019

By: Shannyn Schroeder As I writer, I’ve often been told to use deleted scenes from my books as a bonus for readers. The problem is, although I don’t plot out books, I tend to be a pretty clean writer. That means I write scene to scene and rarely have a whole scene to cut. One… Read More

Shannyn Schroeder

Shannyn Schroeder

Shannyn is an occasional English teacher, who also works as a part-time editor while raising her three kids. Even though she wrote from high school through college (mostly poetry), she'd never considered a career as an author. Writing fell by the wayside as she focused her energy on creating lesson plans and new and fabulous ways to torment her teen students. One group in particular dubbed her "The Torture Master," a title she carried into motherhood. After the birth of baby number two, Shannyn resigned from teaching and fell in love with reading romance novels. She read so many books so quickly that her husband teased, "If you're going to read so many damn books, why don't you just write one?" So she did. That first book is safely buried on her hard drive, but the process set Shannyn on the path to where she is today. The 6-book O'Leary series has wrapped up, as well as 2 Hot & Nerdy new adult trilogies. She's currently working on her next series. She is recovering from her Diet Coke addiction, fears putting her foot in her mouth on social media, and has a renewed appreciation for the bad girls of the world.


Finding story ideas in the simplest things.

on January 10, 2019

Whenever I’m at a book event, one question seems to spring up: Where do you get ideas for your books? Inspiration comes in various ways—a song on the radio, a current news story, or just while chilling with friends and family. The idea for Analiese Rising came from seeds planted in my past, fertilized with… Read More

Brenda Drake

Brenda Drake

Brenda Drake is a New York Times bestselling author of Thief of Lies (Library Jumpers #1), Guardian of Secrets (Library Jumpers #2), Touching Fate (Fated Series #1), and Cursing Fate (Fated Series #2). She grew up the youngest of three children, an Air Force brat, and the continual new kid at school. She hosts workshops and contests for writers such as Pitch Wars and Pitch Madness on her blog, and holds Twitter pitch parties on the hashtag, #PitMad. When she's not writing or hanging out with her family, she haunts libraries, bookstores, and coffee shops, or reads someplace quiet and not at all exotic (much to her disappointment).


Holiday Traditions

on November 13, 2018

by Jennifer Hoopes For some of us, the Christmas holiday is full of traditions and memories, possibly both good and bad, and while writing The Cowboy’s Christmas Baby, and more recently getting ready for its release, I couldn’t help but relive some of my favorite things about Christmas growing up. With my dad’s passing in… Read More

Jennifer Hoopes

Jennifer Hoopes

Jennifer grew up in Maryland as the baby of nine, (a yours, mine, and ours love story) but today hangs her apron in a small town in Pennsylvania where she lives with her husband and two daughters. When not writing contemporary romance, she can usually be found elbow deep in flour, entrenched on the bleachers as she cheers her daughter on at a swim meet, or planning the next school party. She loves caramel and roller coasters, cries at Disney movies, and cannot live without coffee and Jane Austen. Jennifer is a member of Romance Writers of America (RWA) and Central Pennsylvania Romance Writers (CPRW.) She loves connecting with readers and writers alike and can be reached through her contact page or on her fan page on Facebook. You can also follow her on Twitter.


The Most Beautiful Girl I Never Knew

on November 12, 2018

by Robert Tate Miller Her name was Jamie Heckman, and she was the prettiest girl at Flat Rock Junior High. But, where “pretty” often opens doors to teenage popularity, Jamie was scarcely a blip on our school’s social radar screen. She had few friends, and I wasn’t among them. The year was 1976, and I… Read More

Robert Tate Miller

Robert Tate Miller

Robert Tate Miller was raised in the North Carolina mountain town of Hendersonville and began writing at an early age. He began his writing career with homespun essays of small town life that were published in such publications as Reader’s Digest, The Christian Science Monitor and the Chicken Soup for the Soul book series. He moved to Los Angeles in the late 1980s and wrote hugely successful family-oriented telefilms for NBC, ABC Family and the Hallmark Channel. Robert lives in Northridge, CA.
