The Future of Dystopian Fiction in a Post-Dystopian World

on March 6, 2023

A lot of things have changed since I was a kid. Personal computers and the internet are the first mega-changes to spring to mind, and, indeed, they changed everything. The world is now so interconnected that it no longer feels vast, interacting with people from other countries is commonplace and even blasé, and traveling to… Read More

Jerri Chisholm

Jerri Chisholm

Jerri Chisholm is a YA author, a distance runner, and a chocolate addict. Her childhood was spent largely in solitude with only her imagination and a pet parrot for company. Following that she completed a master's degree in public policy and then became a lawyer, but ultimately decided to leave the profession to focus exclusively on the more imaginative and avian-friendly pursuit of writing. She lives with her husband and three children, but, alas, no parrot.

Introducing Unraveling Eleven: The Notorious Middle Child

on November 22, 2021

On November 16, 2021, Unraveling Eleven will be released into the world. You might be wondering: what’s that? Well, it’s a book, first of all. More specifically, a YA dystopian romance with crossover appeal into the adult market. Also, it’s the second book in the Eleven Trilogy. That’s right—trilogy. The first book, Escaping Eleven, was… Read More

Jerri Chisholm

Jerri Chisholm

Jerri Chisholm is a YA author, a distance runner, and a chocolate addict. Her childhood was spent largely in solitude with only her imagination and a pet parrot for company. Following that she completed a master's degree in public policy and then became a lawyer, but ultimately decided to leave the profession to focus exclusively on the more imaginative and avian-friendly pursuit of writing. She lives with her husband and three children, but, alas, no parrot.


on December 10, 2020

Giveaway – $10 Amazon gift card It’s difficult to believe that on December 8, 2020, ESCAPING ELEVEN was released into the world. They say that your book is your baby, but like all good birth stories, the really interesting tidbits come in the backstory. When did you decide to have a baby? Why did you… Read More

Jerri Chisholm

Jerri Chisholm

Jerri Chisholm is a YA author, a distance runner, and a chocolate addict. Her childhood was spent largely in solitude with only her imagination and a pet parrot for company. Following that she completed a master's degree in public policy and then became a lawyer, but ultimately decided to leave the profession to focus exclusively on the more imaginative and avian-friendly pursuit of writing. She lives with her husband and three children, but, alas, no parrot.