
on November 17, 2022

If you were to spontaneously uphaul your life, and go anywhere in the world––where would it be? That was the question I asked myself before embarking on Tripwrecked. To paint a vivid picture, this was at the start of lockdown in Ireland during the Pandemic. I was back at home, living with my parents that… Read More

A. Poland

A. Poland

Fueled by a worrying tea addiction (with a tattoo to prove it), A. Poland is a rom-com writer from Ireland who delights in telling stories that make you fall in love with the characters and give you that squee feeling in your chest. Three words A. would use to describe her writing are funky, silly, and spicy. Which, coincidentally, is also their dancing style. When they're not daydreaming of the next meet-cute, A. works as a video producer and a full-time dog mom to her pride and joy, Gizmo.


on September 6, 2021

G’day there, Writerspace followers. I’m thrilled to be here talking about my latest romance, Playing It Safe, which is, as the title of this blog eludes to, a male/male romance. Now, after eighty something boys-kissing-girls books – 6 so far in this series alone – this is a departure for me and not one I’d… Read More

Amy Andrews

Amy Andrews

Amy is an award-winning, USA Today best-selling Aussie author who has written seventy contemporary romances in both the traditional and digital markets. Her books bring all the feels from sass and quirk and laughter to emotional grit to panty-melting heat. She loves frequent travel, good books and great booze although she'll take mediocre booze if there's nothing else. For many, many years she was a registered nurse. Which means she knows things. Anatomical things. And she's not afraid to use them! She's just moved back to her central Queensland roots taking a sea change in the pretty little coastal town of Yeppoon where she gets to stare at the ocean all day.